
World-Class Singapore Math

Carden Conejo School uses the world-class Singapore Math curriculum for students in kindergarten through fifth grade. Singapore Math is based on the textbooks and syllabuses of Singapore’s national curriculum.  We have chosen this curriculum to offer our students the best and most current program available today.  In the latest PISA (Program for International Assessment) Singapore scored 2nd in the worldwide ranking just below Shanghai, China; whereas the United States scored 36th behind Asia, Russia and most of Europe.  The edition of Singapore Math we use here at Carden is in alignment with the California Standards.

The Singapore Math program emphasizes problem solving and model drawing, focusing on an in-depth understanding of mathematical concepts. The curriculum covers a relatively small number of topics, which are carefully sequenced by grade. Mathematical concepts are taught by moving from the manipulation of concrete items to pictorial representations, and finally to abstract representations. Students are expected to master each concept before moving on, as subsequent lessons build on prior concepts.

The curriculum emphasizes developing a concrete understanding of mathematical concepts by introducing manipulative materials and hands-on SMART Board exercises. The system includes word problems, written exercises and independent practice to solidify problem-solving and computational skills that are integral to cognitive progress in Math.

Singapore Math is taught by our two enthusiastic Specialist Math Teachers– Mrs. Brunasso (K – 3rd Grade) and Ms. Chong (3rd – 5th Grade).